The City of Newport News is accepting applications for a full-time Assistant City Attorney or advanced level attorney. The ideal candidate will have broad knowledge and experience in local government law and experience in social services matters specifically. The specific job duties will depend upon the successful candidate's experience and interest but will likely include representation of the Newport News Department of Human Services, and may include animal control, codes enforcement, eminent domain, human resources, workers' compensation, real estate, and/or economic development matters. Salary and level are negotiable depending upon experience and qualifications. The City provides an excellent benefits package. Must be a member of the Virginia State Bar in good standing. The position will remain open until filled. Please complete a City application on-line to include resume, salary requirements, Virginia State Bar number and writing sample. EOE.
The job posting is on the City's website. Please forward to any you think may be interested. While we are advertising at the Assistant City Attorney level, title and salary will depend on experience and qualifications.